George V. Reilly

MSNBC's The Savage Nation

(Originally posted to Politics at EraBlog on Fri, 21 Feb 2003 08:15:16 GMT)

Michael Savage is a radical right-wing talk-radio host and author, far more obnxoxious than Rush Limbaugh. MSNBC has just signed him to a weekly TV show. FAIR has issued an action alert about this. Read Ben Fritz in Salon, or michael­sav­age­

Here’s the letter that I just sent to MSNBC:

From: George V. Reilly
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 12:07 AM
Subject: I object to Michael Savage’s proposed TV show

Michael Savage is an extremist thug, far beyond the pale of civilized discourse. He has made his name by spewing homophobic, racist, misog­y­nis­tic venom. Even by the low standards of talk radio, he’s a national disgrace.

And now MSNBC proposes to give him a weekly show. If you give him a pulpit, you implicitly endorse his hate­ful­ness. No doubt, you’ll boost your ratings in the short run, but in the long run he’ll drag you into the mire. In a race to the bottom with Rupert Murdoch, we will all lose.

I believe in free speech. I believe that Savage has a right to say what he does, no matter how ob­jec­tion­able I may find it. But I don’t believe that he needs the en­dorse­ment of a national TV show.

There’s no shortage of con­ser­v­a­tive voices in the media. And there’s no need to give Savage his own show.

/George V. Reilly, Microsoft share­hold­er, Seattle

Stop­Dr­Lau­ got Dr. Laura’s show pulled. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a similar boycott of The Savage Nation.

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