George V. Reilly

Review: Blood Bound

Blood Bound
Title: Blood Bound
Author: Patricia Briggs
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Ace
Copyright: 2007
Pages: 292
Keywords: mystery, fantasy
Reading period: 31 August-1 September, 2007

Mercy Thompson, heroine of Moon Called, is back. Mercedes the Volkswagen mechanic is a shape-shifter living in the Tri-Cities of Eastern Washington.

A new vampire is in town, one who also happens to be a demon-possessed sorceror, and he’s killing in­dis­crim­i­nate­ly. The other vampires and the local werewolf pack need to shut him down before the general public catches on. In the end, Mercy’s skills are needed to track him down and put an end to him. Along the way, she has two werewolves and a vampire paying court to her. Mercy is fiercely in­de­pen­dent and less than thrilled at this.

Another en­thralling urban fantasy from Patricia Briggs. Rec­om­mend­ed.

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