George V. Reilly

Review: Winterbirth

Title: Win­ter­birth
Author: Brian Ruckley
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Orbit
Copyright: 2006
Pages: 654
Keywords: fantasy
Reading period: 3–4 August, 2009

A century and a half ago, the believers in the Black Road were forced into exile. Now, in some bloody surprise attacks, they’ve conquered the Glas Valley. The story is largely told from the viewpoints of three brother-sister pairs: the young leaders of the Black Road attackers; the adolescent nephew and niece of the thane of the Lannis-Haig Blood; and a warrior of the Kyrinin race and his sister. Each side believes that it is in the right: the clash between two human cultures was inevitable, as is the war between the Kyrinin tribes.

A strong debut. Lots of swords, a little sorcery.

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