George V. Reilly

Review: White Riot

White Riot
Title: White Riot
Author: Martyn Waites
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Pocket Books
Copyright: 2008
Pages: 452
Keywords: mystery
Reading period: 29–30 December, 2009

The Northern English city of Newcastle is on edge as racial tensions have been whipped up. Joe Donovan’s team are asked to in­ves­ti­gate a seemingly unrelated case where a one-time radical is getting threat­en­ing calls.

The main char­ac­ter­s—­Dono­van’s team and some teenaged no-hopers way out of their depth in a white su­prema­cist or­ga­ni­za­tion—are credible and well-drawn. The plot however relies overly on co­in­ci­dence after co­in­ci­dence.

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