George V. Reilly

Review: The Simple Art of Murder

Title: The Simple Art of Murder
Author: Raymond Chandler
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Ballantine
Copyright: 1950
Pages: 216
Keywords: crime, criticism
Reading period: 3–10 June, 2016

The Simple Art of Murder comprises the essay of the same name and four early non–Philip Marlowe stories (in some editions, there are eight stories). The essay is jus­ti­fi­ably famous and worth reading; the stories are of middling quality.

All are available online: The Simple Art of Murder Essay, Spanish Blood, I'll be Waiting, The King in Yellow, and Pearls are a Nuisance.

In the essay, Chandler takes aim at the sterile con­fec­tions of deduction that comprised most detective fiction written in the 1920s and 1930s, which “do continue.