Watching Liberally Film Club

Inspired by Drinking Liberally, I’ve founded my own little progressive movie club. It will meet at my house on the first Wednesday of every month. We show a progressive film, followed by a discussion. Typically, these will be political documentaries, but you can also expect to see non-political documentaries, fiction, and even the occasional right-wing piece for contrast.
The first film will be shown this coming Wednesday. Here’s the announcement that I just sent out:
We’ll show ONE of the following movies on Wednesday, February 7th. Those who show up will make the choice.
- Jesus Camp. A growing number of Evangelical Christians believe there is a revival underway in America that requires Christian youth to assume leadership roles in advocating the causes of their religious movement. Jesus Camp follows a group of young children to Pastor Becky Fisher’s "Kids on Fire Summer Camp" where the kids are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in God’s army and are schooled in how to take back America for Christ.
- Black Gold. Multinational coffee companies now rule our shopping malls and supermarkets and dominate the industry worth over $80 billion, making coffee the most valuable trading commodity in the world after oil. But while we continue to pay for our lattes and cappuccinos, the price paid to coffee farmers remains so low that many have been forced to abandon their coffee fields.
Come at 7:30pm and socialize. The movie will start at 8:00 sharp. If you like, bring a snack or drink to share.

Send me email if you want more information.
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