Review: Objectified

Objectified is a documentary about industrial design and the manufactured objects that litter our lives. In interviews with some leading designers, Hustwit brings forth such topics as our emotional attachment to those objects; the ephemerality and planned obsolesence of most of this “stuff”; the approaches of different designers; designing the manufacturing process as well as the object; how good design often almost disappears; sustainability, when most objects end up in landfill; interaction and interface design; etc.
The danger with such a broad survey is that you can’t do justice to anything. I was left wanting to know more about many of the topics. In the Q&A afterwards, Hustwit mentioned that they shot 80 hours of footage. Most of the designers were interesting and articulate; only a couple came across as pretentious twats.
Update: comparing Dieter Ram’s designs for Braun in the Sixties and Jonny Ive’s work for Apple today.