George V. Reilly

Disabling Vibrating Notifications in the Facebook Android App

I've had to figure this out twice in recent months, and it was no easier the second time than the first.

If you reinstall the Facebook app on Android, you will be plagued by the phone buzzing every few minutes to notify you that someone posted something.

The relevant setting is buried deeply.

Toastmasters Assistant Android App

I signed up for a three-part Android Study Jam organized by the Seattle Google Developer Group, at the behest of a colleague who is also one of the organizers. The last session takes place tomorrow morning.

I've built a little Android app that I call the Toast­mas­ters Assistant for the final project. It doesn't do very much yet, except present some in­for­ma­tion about Toast­mas­ters meetings, roles, and speeches in an Ex­pand­ableListView. I have some ambitions to do more with it. Specif­i­cal­ly, I want to add a speech timer.