George V. Reilly

Logging in Python: Don't use new-fangled format

Python 2.6 introduced the format method to strings. In general, format is now the preferred way to build strings instead of the old % formatting operator.

One exception is with the logging module, where the best practice is to use %s and %d. Why? First, %s is the idiomatic way to use logging, which was built years before format was introduced. Second, if there's a literal % in the in­ter­po­lat­ed values, logging will be unhappy, since there won't be cor­re­spond­ing arguments in the call. It won't fall over, since “The logging package is designed to swallow exceptions which occur while logging in production. This is so that errors which occur while handling logging continue.

HouseCanary PyCon2016 Progamming Challenge

Yesterday, while at PyCon, I whipped up a quick, brute-force answer to the House­Ca­nary PyCon2016 Progamming Challenge in a few minutes. That was sufficient to pass the first two test cases and win me a very pretty House­Ca­nary t-shirt.

The answer ran in O(n⁴) time, so it failed miserably on the larger problem sets in the third and fourth cases. I mulled it over and came up with an O(n²) solution that runs in reasonable time on the larger problem sets. On the second test case, input1.txt, runtime drops from 5.2s to 0.2s.

I submitted my new answer. I'll learn on Monday if I won the speed challenge.

FlyingCloud Documentation Updates

I made a number of updates to the Fly­ing­Cloud Doc­u­men­ta­tion tonight. I hope to give a lightning talk about Fly­ing­Cloud at PyCon on Monday evening or Tuesday morning, and I put together some slides for that too.

io.StringIO and UnicodeCSV DictWriter

I like to use io.StringIO rather than the older cStringIO.StringIO, as it's Python 3–ready io.StringIO is also a context manager: if you use it in a with statement, the string buffer is au­to­mat­i­cal­ly closed as you go out of scope.

I tried using io.StringIO with unicodecsv, as I wanted to capture the CSV output into a string buffer for use with unit tests. unicodecsv is a drop-in re­place­ment for Python's built-in csv module, which supports Unicode strings.

with io.StringIO() as csv_file:
    lines = csv_file.getvalue().split('\r\n')
    return lines[:-1]  # drop empty line after trailing \r\n

It failed horribly with TypeError: unicode argument expected, continue.

Doctests, Unicode Literals, and Python 2/3 Compatibility

I rarely use doctests, but I do have some code that uses them.

Although I still mostly write Python 2, I usually import several features of Python 3:

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import

Un­for­tu­nate­ly uni­code_lit­er­als doesn't play well with doctests.

The following code will pass with python2 -m doctest, but not with python3:

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import

def upper(s):
    Convert `s` to upper case.

    >>> upper('Hello!')
    return s.upper()

Python 3 complains:

Failed example:

The continue.


Despite being a bona fide per­for­mance expert—I spent a couple of years as the Per­for­mance Lead for Mi­crosoft­'s IIS web server product about 15 years ago—I still forget to measure rather than assume.

I wrote some code today that imported nearly 300,000 nodes into a graph from a 500MB XML file. The code was not par­tic­u­lar­ly fast and I assumed that it was the XML parser. I had been using the built-in streaming parser, cEle­ment­Tree iterparse. I assumed that using the lmxl iterparse would make the code faster. It didn't.

Then I had the bright idea of tem­porar­i­ly disabling the per-node processing, which left only the XML parsing. Instead of continue.

Raising IOError for 'file not found'

I wanted to raise Python's IOError for a file-not-found condition, but it wasn't obvious what the parameters to the exception should be.

from errno import ENOENT

if not os.path.isfile(source_file):
    raise IOError(ENOENT, 'Not a file', source_file)
with open(source_file) as fp:

IOError can be in­stan­ti­at­ed with 1, 2, or 3 arguments:

IOError(errno, strerror, filename)
These arguments are available on the errno, strerror, and filename attributes of the exception object, re­spec­tive­ly, in both Python 2 and 3. The args attribute contains the verbatim con­struc­tor arguments as a tuple.
IOError(errno, strerror)
These are available on the errno and strerror attributes of the exception, re­spec­tive­ly, in both Python 2 and continue.

PuPPy Startup Row Pitch Night

Last night, Adam Porad and I were one of five teams pitching our startups at the PuPPy-organized PyCon Startup Row Pitch Night:

Techstars Seattle and PuPPy [Puget Sound Pro­gram­ming Python] presents PyCon Startup Row Pitch Night. The time has come again for you, the members of PuPPy, to select Seattle’s startup rep­re­sen­ta­tive to travel to PyCon in Portland to represent our Python community and startup scene at the annual conference produced by the Python Software Foundation.

We were pitching MetaBrite and our technology that captures receipts, yielding receipt in­for­ma­tion to users and onsumer insights. We use Python ex­ten­sive­ly—we've written 120,000 lines of Python code for web services, web apps, machine learning, image processing, and continue.

Fear of Public Speaking

It is often said that people fear public speaking more than they fear death. I certainly used to fear getting up in front of a crowd, though not to the point of death. Tonight I spoke about Fly­ing­Cloud in front of more than 100 people for half an hour at the PuPPy Meetup. I wasn't nervous beforehand and I wasn't nervous talking to the crowd.

I've been an active Toast­mas­ter for nearly 15 years and I've spoken at Toast­mas­ters hundreds of times. I'm used to a room of 15–25 people but not to a larger audience. Adam and I put our slides together late last week. We ran through it together continue.

FlyingCloud 0.3.0 released

I just announced the release of Fly­ing­Cloud 0.3.0 on the fly­ing­cloud-users mailing list. I'll have more to say about Fly­ing­Cloud in future. For now, let's just say it's a tool that we use to build Docker images using masterless SaltStack.

I'll be speaking about Fly­ing­Cloud at Wednes­day's PuPPy meetup.

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