George V. Reilly

Habeneros Hurt!

Last night, I un­wit­ting­ly bought some habenero peppers when I was shopping for in­gre­di­ents for Afghan Chicken. They tasted hot, but not too hot, when I nibbled a couple of small pieces. I cut them up with my bare hands. By the time that I was finished, my fingers felt as if they had been burned! As if I had burned them with steam or something. It took several hours for the pain to go away. For­tu­nate­ly, I didn't rub my eyes or more delicate mucous membranes, while I still had the habenero oils on my skin.

The chicken itself was fine: not too spicy. The cooked-up onion marinade had continue.

Christmas Cake

This recipe comes from my mother, who has used it for many years. I added the soaking of the fruit in hot water.

Fruit-based Christmas cake is considered a treat in Ireland, not a thing of horror, as so many Americans regard it.

12 ozs butter
12 ozs brown sugar
12 ozs plain flour
1 tsp salt
12 ozs raisins
12 ozs sultanas
6 ozs dried currants
6 ozs candied peel
4 ozs glacé cherries
4 ozs walnuts, optional, cut in half
2 ozs angelica, optional
4-5 eggs

Makes one round cake in a 10"x"3"-tall cake pan or two cakes in 8"x3" pans".

Note: For the raisins, you can substitute stoned muscat raisins or valentias if you wish. Be careful to only take the stone and leave the flesh. I usually cut them in continue.

Southern Greens Recipes

Some recipes from the back of a bag of Trader Joe's Southern Greens Blend (Mustard Greens, Turnip Greens, Spinach, and Collard Greens).

Simple Greens -- Serves 4

1 lb Mustard Greens, Turnip Greens, Spinach, and Collard Greens
1 clove garlic, minced
1 onion chopped
1/2 cup chopped green onions
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 cup vegetable broth
1 cup tomato juice
- Salt, pepper, and marjoram to taste
- Grated Parmesan cheese

Saute garlic and onion in olive oil in a pot large enough to hold greens. Add vegetable broth and tomato juice. Bring to a boil.

Add greens and seasonings. Cover and cook over low heat for 35 minutes or until tender. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and serve.

Mediter­ranean Greens -- Serves 3-4

1 lb Mustard continue.

Classic Deli Cole Slaw Dressing

I found this recipe for dressing on the back of a bag of cole slaw.

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 tsp. sugar
2 tbsp. milk
1 tbsp. ground celery seed
2 tbsp. cider vinegar
1 lb cole slaw

Mix sugar, ground celery seed, and milk into mayonnaise. Add cider vinegar and whisk until smooth. Add to cole slaw.

Barbecue University

One of my favorite shows is back on the TiVo. Barbecue University is Steven Raichlen's show about all kinds of grilling and barbecue techniques and recipes.

I love this recipe for Afghan Game Hens, although I always substitute chicken(s) for the game hens. This recipe convinced me to buy a rotisserie. It's been a huge hit whenever I've served it up. It's not the easiest meal to prepare, so I don't do it often. Note: I cook the marinaded onions in a pan and serve them with the chicken. Yum!

Beer Can Chicken, on the other hand, is very easy. It also works well in the oven. Last year, I continue.

Mustard-Mushroom Soup

I made this recipe for Thanks­giv­ing. It was a big hit.

Mustard-Mushroom Soup recipe from



Melt butter in heavy large saucepan over medium-high heat and cook until lightly browned. Add mushrooms and cook until liquid evaporates, stirring frequently, about 10 minutes. Add stock, Sherry and mustard and simmer briskly 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add cream and warm through. Serve im­me­di­ate­ly.

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