MSNBC's The Savage Nation

(Originally posted to Politics at EraBlog on Fri, 21 Feb 2003 08:15:16 GMT)
Michael Savage is a radical right-wing talk-radio host and author, far more obnxoxious than Rush Limbaugh. MSNBC has just signed him to a weekly TV show. FAIR has issued an action alert about this. Read Ben Fritz in Salon, or
Here’s the letter that I just sent to MSNBC:
From: George V. ReillyCc: fair@fair.orgSent: Friday, February 21, 2003 12:07 AMSubject: I object to Michael Savage’s proposed TV showMichael Savage is an extremist thug, far beyond the pale of civilized discourse. He has made his name by spewing homophobic, racist, misogynistic venom. Even by the low standards of talk radio, he’s a national disgrace.
And now MSNBC proposes to give him a weekly show. If you give him a pulpit, you implicitly endorse his hatefulness. No doubt, you’ll boost your ratings in the short run, but in the long run he’ll drag you into the mire. In a race to the bottom with Rupert Murdoch, we will all lose.
I believe in free speech. I believe that Savage has a right to say what he does, no matter how objectionable I may find it. But I don’t believe that he needs the endorsement of a national TV show.
There’s no shortage of conservative voices in the media. And there’s no need to give Savage his own show.
/George V. Reilly, Microsoft shareholder, Seattle got Dr. Laura’s show pulled. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a similar boycott of The Savage Nation.