POTD: Oct 29 - Nov 03

10/29. In mid-October, I shaved off the goatee that I had sported since March, leaving me clean-shaven for the first time in a decade. I quickly got over that urge and let the beard start growing back.
This is me at the two-week stage: a self-portrait taken while experimenting with the new camera. It looks a little odd to me. I’m using this as the startup photo on the camera.

10/30. I go back and forth between Atlas‘s offices at Pioneer Square and the International District, and Smith Tower is a major landmark.

10/31. Once again, we got dozens and dozens of young callers at Halloween. I have a set of Halloween photos at Flickr.

11/01. This is taken from the roof of Atlas’s office Occidental Square, looking at the building on the other side of the street.

11/02. Tres works in the group that I’m loaned out to, Atlas Publisher. He has a certain sartorial flair. He also turns out to be a friend of Sparky.

11/03. Occidental Square at dusk.