George V. Reilly

Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

Oxo Cold Brew Coffee Maker

I often enjoy cold brew coffee in summer. I bought an Oxo Cold Brew Coffee Maker one winter when it was on sale at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Before that, I used a nut milk bag in a jar. I like the Oxo and it gets high marks in many reviews, such as Home­Grounds or Wirecutter. It’s easy to use, easy to clean, and makes a good brew.

The only downside to making your own cold brew coffee is that you must plan ahead. You can make hot coffee in a few minutes, but cold brew takes hours.

I have used this recipe for a number of years. It makes a smooth, less acidic coffee.

ETA: See also Cold Brew Coffee Recipe for French Press.


This will half-fill the Oxo jar. It yields about 16 fl oz (1 pt) of cold brew coffee. You can double the quantities in the Oxo, if you like.



You can vary the ratio of coffee to water, the grind, and how long you steep the mixture.


Fork in the Kitchen has some sug­ges­tions if you don’t have a coffee grinder or an Oxo maker.

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