George V. Reilly

Patching a Python Wheel

Recently, I had to create a new Python wheel for PyTorch. There is a cyclic dependency between PyTorch 2.0.1 and Triton 2.0.0: Torch depends upon Triton, but Triton also depends on Torch. Pip is okay with installing packages where there’s a cyclic dependency. Bazel, however, does not handle cyclic de­pen­den­cies between packages. We use Bazel ex­ten­sive­ly at Stripe and this cyclic dependency prevented us from using the latest version of Torch.

I spent a few days trying to build the PyTorch wheel from source. It was a nightmare! I ran out of disk space on the root partition on my EC2 devbox trying to install system packages, so I had to bring up a custom instance. Then I ran out of space on the main partition, trying to compile, so I had to bring up another custom instance. Then I realized I had installed CUDA 12.1 and couldn’t install CUDA 11.8 over it, so yet another instance. Then a long list of other problems. I was eventually able to get python develop to execute, but it took three hours! And I had little confidence that I was building the same thing that was in the official wheels.

Then I had a brainwave: what if I patch the official Torch wheel and simply remove the re­quire­ment on Triton? All the officially built code would remain untouched. That worked!

This post is adapted from my writeup on the issue.

What is a Wheel?

A Python wheel is a ready-to-install Python package that requires no com­pi­la­tion at in­stal­la­tion time. Unlike older formats such as source dis­tri­b­u­tions or eggs, is not run during in­stal­la­tion from a wheel. The older formats conflated build and install and required arbitrary code to run.

A wheel is a Zip archive with a specially formatted filename and a .whl extension. The wheel contains a dist-info metadata directory and the in­stal­lable payload. A wheel is either pure Python, which can install on any platform, or a platform (binary) wheel, which usually contains compiled Python extension code.

Java JARs, Android APKs, Mozilla XPIs, and many other file types are also structured Zip archives.

Manual Patching

The wheel file’s contents include the {dis­tri­b­u­tion}-{version}.dist-info/ directory, which contains metadata about the wheel.

In the case of PyTorch 2.0.1, I had torch-2.0.1-cp38-cp38-manylin­ux1_x86_64.whl, a Linux x86_64 wheel for Python 3.8.

I used unzip to extract the wheel’s contents into a directory, torch201.2. (The .2 denoted my second attempt.) In the torch201.2 directory was the entire content of the wheel, including the torch-2.0.1.dist-info/ sub­di­rec­to­ry.

unzip -d torch201.2 torch-2.0.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
cd torch201.2

# Rename the `dist-info` directory to include '+stripe.2' as a suffix for `2.0.1`
mv torch-2.0.1{,+stripe.2}.dist-info/
cd torch-2.0.1+stripe.2.dist-info/

Normally, when we build wheels for forked version of Python packages at Stripe, we append +stripe.{major}.{commits}.{revision} to the version number. Both commits and revision come from the output of git describe --tags HEAD, which looks like {tag}-{commits}-g{re­vi­sion}; major is currently hardcoded to 1. This suffix helps dis­tin­guish a forked wheel’s version from the upstream version number.

Since I wasn’t forking, I used a simplified scheme, +stripe.{attempt}.

Then I updated some fields in torch-2.0.1+stripe.2.dist-info/METADATA:

Now I had to update torch-2.0.1+stripe.2.dist-info/RECORD, which contains signatures for all the files in the wheel, in the form {filename},sha256={safe_hash},{filesize}. Of course, RECORD does not have an entry for itself.

The paths to all the dist-info files needed to be updated in RECORD to include the +stripe.2 suffix.

In Vim terms:


You can use this script to compute the entry for a file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import base64
import hashlib
import os
import sys

filename = sys.argv[1]

with open(filename, "rb") as f:
    digest = hashlib.sha256(
    safe_hash = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(digest.digest()).decode("us-ascii").rstrip("=")

The output will look like this:

$ ../ torch-2.0.1+stripe.2.dist-info/METADATA

Replace the METADATA entry in RECORD with the output from

Finally, you can zip up everything into a new wheel. Note the +stripe.2 in the new wheel’s filename:

zip ../torch-2.0.1+stripe.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl -r .

At this point, you can upload the wheel to a private repository.

To install the wheel:

pip install torch==2.0.1+stripe.2

You will not see triton being installed, unlike before. However, if you do install triton, it will be satisfied by this patched version of torch.


If you have to manually patch a Python wheel:

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