George V. Reilly

Python Enums with Attributes

Python enu­mer­a­tions are useful for grouping related constants in a namespace. You can add additional behaviors to an enum class, but there isn’t an easy and obvious way to add attributes to enum members.

class TileState(Enum):
    CORRECT = 1
    PRESENT = 2
    ABSENT  = 3

    def color(self):
        if self is self.CORRECT:
            return "Green"
        elif self is self.PRESENT:
            return "Yellow"
        elif self is self.ABSENT:
            return "Black"

    def emoji(self):
        return {
            self.CORRECT: "\U0001F7E9",
            self.PRESENT: "\U0001F7E8",
            self.ABSENT:  "\U00002B1B",

Accessing the members and the methods:

>>> for ts in TileState:
...     print(f"{<7}: {ts.value} {ts.color():<6} {ts.emoji()}")
CORRECT: 1 Green  🟩
PRESENT: 2 Yellow 🟨
ABSENT : 3 Black  ⬛

You can add methods like color() and emoji() above—you can even decorate them with @property so that you don’t need paren­the­ses—but you have to remember to update every method when you add or remove members from the enu­mer­a­tion.

Named­tu­ples to the rescue

It turns out that you can build a mixin enu­mer­a­tion from namedtuple and Enum that gives terse con­struc­tion syntax:

class TileState(namedtuple("TileState", "value emoji color css_color"), Enum):
    CORRECT = 1, "\U0001F7E9", "Green",  "#6aaa64"
    PRESENT = 2, "\U0001F7E8", "Yellow", "#c9b458"
    ABSENT  = 3, "\U00002B1B", "Black",  "#838184"

Each member now has multiple read-only attributes, like emoji and css_color:

>>> for ts in TileState:
...     print(f"{<7}: {ts.value} {ts.emoji} U+{ord(ts.emoji):05x} "
...           f"{ts.color:<6} {ts.css_color}")
CORRECT: 1 🟩 U+1f7e9 Green  #6aaa64
PRESENT: 2 🟨 U+1f7e8 Yellow #c9b458
ABSENT : 3 ⬛ U+02b1b Black  #838184
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